How to Maximize Your Commercial Playground for the Benefit of the Children You Serve

How to Maximize Your Commercial Playground for the Benefit of the Children You Serve

CDC Recommendations About Physical Activity for Children How much physical activity do children actually need each day? Some of that depends on their age. According to the CDC, children between the ages of 3 and 5 pretty much need to be active all day long, while children between the ages of 6 and 17 should…

Why Swinging Matters and Which Commercial Swing Sets to Choose for Your Playground

Why Swinging Matters and Which Commercial Swing Sets to Choose for Your Playground

Why Outdoor Playgrounds Are Good for Kids As a parent, teacher, or adult caregiver for young children, you’d probably love nothing more than to find a constructive way to help kids to get their noses out of their screens from time to time. It’s not that some amount of screen time is necessarily a bad…